We supply a range of SCADA software packages for our Callistonx range of remote terminal units including operator interfaces, logic and configuration tools.
Celestenx operator interface with exceptional editing capabilities.
View detailsCaSEnx Configuration Tool providing on-line or off-line configuration facilities.
View detailsPILoTnx IEC61131-3 Logic Tool for application specific programmable logic.
View detailsViewnx integrated web server for local or remote access to comprehensive operational information.
View details
Whether the utility system requirement is a simple substation user interface or hot standby redundant automation master station, Remsdaq’s Celestenx Energy Edition platform can be readily configured to satisfy the application. Celestenx is a flexible, highly configurable IEC 61850 compliant platform, with facilities designed to satisfy electric utility demands. Celestenx runs under Microsoft Windows XP or Server 2003 operating systems, incorporates open SQL database and is available in a wide variety of language options. Powerful archiving, trend, report and SMS messaging facilities are easily tailored for individual application requirements and overall system configuration management tasks are simplified by Celestenx ability to directly import Callistonx XML database files.
Flexible user configuration facilities are essential for successful applications of Callistonxsystems. CaSEnx (Callisto Software Editor) is the PC resident software package offering on-line or off-line configuration facilities for application specific Callistonx hardware and software functionality. CaSEnx readily handles single or multiple processor arrays and auto-generates the individual configured Callistonx files from the overall system configuration description file thus ensuring flexible download and subsequent upload operations across any network.
Despite incorporation of embedded automation applications defined in the various IEC 61850 logical node groups, Remsdaq recognises the requirement to offer users the ability to construct application specific programmable logic. Every Callistonx unit is delivered with runtime PILoTnx (Programmable Integrated Logic Tool). An IEC 61131-3 compliant, PC based editor package provides for creation and editing of programs using any of the 5 programming modes, including ladder (LD) and function block diagram (FBD), as defined by the IEC standard. PILoTnx incorporates on-line and off-line debugging and simulation facilities.
Viewnx is the integrated web server that provides password protected access to Callistonx for system monitoring, control, diagnostics, parameterisation and record recovery. Platform independent web browsers such as Explorer 7, Firefox and Netscape can be used by password authenticated personnel for local or remote system access to the comprehensive operational and performance facilities delivered through Viewnx.
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