EntroWatch Comparison Table

EntroWatch v3 is the latest version of our Entro series access control software. EntroWatch is available in three editions with additional bolt-ons for further functionality and system enhancement.

EntroWatch Software Versions

Product NamePart NosEditionLicenses
EntroWatchEN-SW-0100 Standard 1 server, 1 client, 50 devices, 500 cards
EntroWatch PEEN-SW-0200Premium (PE)1 server, 2 clients, 100 devices, 500 cards
EntroWatch CSEN-SW-0300Certified Secure (CS)CPNI pack


The Standard version of EntroWatch is supplied free of charge via a software request form and download link. The software has a 30 day registration grace period and features:

  • Alarms handling: unattended system alarm suppression
  • Alarm resolution codes: prescribed
  • Attendance reports: built-in reporting suite
  • Automatic discovery: of EntroStar and EntroNet door controllers and Sabre PIDS gateway
  • Badge designer: integrated badge design facility
  • Calendars: to provide variations to access rights, scheduled actions and holidays
  • Customisable dashboards: per user
  • Credential relocation: nightly relocation for everyone back offsite
  • Custom tile views: configure screens to look as you need them
  • Device limits: up to 50 panels (100 doors EntroStar or 400 doors with EntroNet)
  • Door monitor: monitor specific doors
  • Interlock facilityaccess based on the condition of another door(s)
  • Fire door supportunlock a set of doors using an input from a fire alarm panel
  • Global lockdown: issue a single command to lock down a site
  • Graphics engine: import and superimpose controllable and monitoring features
  • Logical anti-passback: prevents a credential from being used to re-enter an area
  • Mapping: one-to-many peer-to-peer I/O mapping
  • Occupancy Management: control the number of people allowed into a room
  • Onsite report: list or tile view for who is on site
  • Operator roles: settable operator roles
  • Passback and PIN immunity
  • Personal Identification Codes (PIC): numeric credentials (PIC)
  • PIDS integration: with Sabre II systems installed with the Sabre BACnet/IP gateway option
  • Pin to dashboard: tile creation (outputs, inputs, doors)
  • Reader integrations: Remsdaq EntroPad card readers and keypads
  • Scheduled actions: manual, automatic and scheduled including interlock facility
  • Track & Trace: reporting on who, where and when information
  • Design to standards: UL 294 and 1076
  • Video: ONVIF (streaming / screen capture)
  • Choice of user languages: English (UK), English (USA), Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finish, French, Hungarian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese (simple), French Canadian, Malay and Welsh

EntroWatch Premium Edition (PE)

The Premium Edition of the software is chargeable. Users can update a Standard installation to the PE version by providing Remsdaq with the registration ID for their Standard software installation. Additional features to the Standard version include:

  • Access checkpoint verification: operator controlled access approval combined with a CCTV image
  • Advanced alarm processing: associate camera and graphics with an alarm
  • Alarms with alert: auto pop-up
  • Automatic credential disable: for a period of time after a wrong pin has been input
  • BACnet/IP device integration: generic third-party device interface (I/O only)
  • Card tracing: alert on card use
  • CCTV integration: Milestone XProtect Access plug-in
  • Custom card formats and editor: allows for non-standard card encoding (site code, parity check)
  • Device limits: up to 100 panels (200 doors EntroStar or 800 doors with EntroNet)
  • Email notifications: on alarm
  • Enhanced operator setting: multi-session, auto log off, auto lock, dual logon
  • Enhanced passwords: enforced strength and renew periods
  • Enhanced PINs: automatic generation, PIN rules
  • Multiple client licenses pack: max 9 SQL express, max 19 with full SQL
  • Person import: using a CSV file to import records
  • Read only access database
  • Reader integrations: IEVO biometric readers
  • Serial notifications: on alarm
  • System wide accountability: a form of enhanced anti-passback
  • Video: Hikvision (streaming, pre / post alarm / screen capture)

EntroWatch Certified Secure (CS)

Available as part of the Remsdaq CPNI portfolio. Information available upon application or via the CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) website.

  • Encrypted communications: between the door controllers and EntroWatch (CPNI CS version)

EntroWatch Bolt-Ons

With a bolt-on an installation can be upgraded to run additional clients, expanded for additional credentials and enhanced to operate across multiple buildings.

Part NosLicensesCompatible Version(s)
EN-SW-0401 Additional client licensePE
EN-SW-0402501 to 5,000 card licensesStandard, PE
EN-SW-04035,000 to 250,000 card licensesPE

Please contact us for further information.

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