Callisto Record With China Southern Power Grid
8 March 2018

Just over two months from contract award, twenty Remsdaq Callistonx RTUs were delivered to the Guangdong province of the People’s Republic of China. These RTUs are for deployment on Dongguan Power Supply Bureau distribution network within the China Southern Power Grid and are an essential part of the Dongguan Bureau’s expansion of its distribution management system to support the City’s undertaking as a co-host of the 16th Asian Games in November 2010.
The RTU Project
Remsdaq’s Chinese business partner, Shenzhen Engloway System Control Co. Ltd., coordinated the local equipment supply for enclosure assemblies, wiring and factory acceptance testing activities. The RTUs are configured to interface with the Bureau’s existing DMS master station, simultaneously supporting IEC 60870-5-101 and 104 protocols for maximum flexibility on the existing and developing communication network.
The Callistonx transducerless power system measurement, metering, power quality and fault detection capabilities offer the Bureau unrivalled user configurable facilities to meet existing and emerging operational data requirements. Integral applications such as synchrocheck, together with the Callistonx embedded IEC 61131-3 compliant programmable logic, ensure that the RTUs are ready to handle de-centralised automation applications and keep pace with evolving network control requirements.
Viewnx, the integral Callistonx embedded web server,enables password authorised Bureau personnel to remotely access any RTU over the network via a standard web browser. Viewnx supports secure management diagnostic and maintenance access and, as a language independent server, offers the Dongguan Power Supply Bureau comprehensive web browser facilities in Chinese language.