StarWatch System Installed To Protect Chester City Centre
8 February 2018

Remsdaq has installed CCTV cameras and their StarWatch Integrated system onto the streets of the historical city of Chester.
Chester City Council sought the technology and prowess of local company Remsdaq Ltd to refurbish the existing CCTV system and install 35 cameras of their own. The CCTV system was completed in October 2002 as part of a wider initiative to reduce crime and fear of crime in the City.
StarWatch has also been installed to act as a graphical interface to the CCTV system. This offers the facility to select an individual camera/s and display the images required.
The cameras are located across the city and are connected via fibre optic cables to the central Control centre and allow full 360° pan, tilt and zoom for each operator position. Fibre optic links ensure the pictures are of high quality and are transmitted through a secure transmission. The recordings can be reliably used during criminal proceedings.
The entire network is operated from a hitech Command and Control centre at Chester Town Hall in the heart of the city. A combination of carefully positioned cameras alongside Remsdaq’s StarWatch equipped Control centre, allows the city of Chester the opportunity to take one step further in combating crime.
Remsdaq has guaranteed a clear future for Chester City Centre.